Hilde Hardeman

Hilde Hardeman is the Director and Head of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments at the European Commission. She has spent over twenty years working for the European Commission, covering external relations and economic and competitiveness issues.  Hilde holds a PhD in Slavic Philology and History of the University of Leuven after studies at Leuven, […]

Christophe Bahuet

Christophe  Bahuet  has  been  appointed  as  UNDP  Deputy Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, effective 1 October 2020. From  January  2019,  he  has  been  UNDP  Resident  Representative  in Indonesia, and Country Director in the same country for the period 2015- 2018. His earlier assignments with UNDP included China, Vietnam, Ghana, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. Mr. […]

Mais Al-Bayaa

Mais Al-Bayaa is Emmys and Robert.F Kennedy award winning British Iraqi journalist and documentary producer. She has covered the Middle East since 2003 after the invasion of Iraq for various international news outlets. She mainly focuses on investigating human rights abuses and corruption in the Middle East especially in hostile environments. She produced documentaries for […]

Robert Templer

Robert Templer is a consultant working mostly for United Nations organizations in Asia, Africa and the Middle East on conflict and violent extremism. He was the founder of the Shattck Center for Conflict, Negotiation and Recovery at the Central European University and a founding professor at the School of Public Policy. He was formerly the […]

Zena Ali-Ahmad

Zena Ali-Ahmad is currently the Resident Representative for the United Nations Development Programme in Iraq. Before joining UNDP-Iraq, Zena was the Regional Director for UN-HABITAT Regional Office for Arab States. Zena has been working with the United Nations for the last twenty years, where she assumed key technical and management positions, including UNDP Deputy Director […]

Robert Muggah

Robert Muggah is a globally recognized specialist in safer and smart cities, cyber security and the digital economy. He is co-founder and principle of the SecDev Group – a digital risk firm focused on using data-driven tools to solve complex challenges. He also co-founded the Igarapé Institute – ranked the top social policy think and […]

Mira Kusumarini

Mira Kusumarini, the founder and Director of the EMPATIKU Foundation, has been active in the social sector for 30 years addressing various issues including peace and security, social entrepreneurship, maternal and child health, provision of clean water and sanitation, environmental preservation and small and medium economic development. Under the Chevening Award of British Government scholarship, […]

Mia Bloom

Mia Bloom is Professor of Communication and Middle East Studies at Georgia State University. She conducts ethnographic field research in Europe, the Middle East and South Asia and speaks eight languages. She has authored 6 books and around 70 articles on terrorism and violent extremism, including Dying to Kill: The Allure of Suicide Terror (2005), […]

Robert Örell

Robert Örell has two decades of experience in the field of disengagement and exit work. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the European Commission’s Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) and he has been a co-leader of the Rehabilitation Working Group since 2011. Robert was the Director of Exit Sweden for 10 years and […]

Eric Poppe

Erik Poppe is a Norwegian film director, screenwriter and former cinematographer. Poppe is regarded as one of Europe’s most experienced and compelling directors recognized for his work with actors and impeccably well-crafted, multi-pronged narratives. His movies are often built around strong ensemble casts, sharp writing, impressive camera work and an uncanny knack for rhythm and […]