Measures to prevent violent extremism (PVE) can have significant impacts on human rights. The international community has recognized the potential disconnect – or contradiction -between using security measures to respond to violent extremism on one hand, and addressing the complicated conditions, root causes and grievances that drive radicalization. This session, co-organized with UNESCO, examines how different dimensions of human rights can be impacted by PVE approaches, and explores how the international community can shift the discourse by focusing on the protection and promotion of human rights as a means to effectively address some of the key drivers (push and pull factors) of violent extremism.
The UN has been working to deepen the understanding of PVE approaches and develop programmes grounded in human rights standards and principles with a view to ensure effective prevention efforts. Specifically, UNDP and UNESCO have been working to empower communities and CSOs through interdisciplinary PVE interventions that strengthen protective factors in PVE, including those impacting Economic, Social, and Cultural (ESC) rights. Looking at the issue with a critical but forward-looking lens, this session will (i) explore the links between human rights and PVE and (ii) highlight how risk-informed and innovative PVE efforts can be effective tools to promote and protect fundamental human rights.